
Showing posts from August, 2018

Parent Retirement Visa NZ

Parent retirement category visa is for those parents who have a child living in New Zealand as a citizen or resident. If this is the case then you can apply to live permanently in the country subject to meeting of the laid down criterion. You should have an annual income of NZ Dollar 60000 plus 1 million NZ Dollar to invest in the country for 4 years and another 500000 dollars to live on. After the 4 years investment period has elapsed then you are allowed to live permanently in the country. This VISA allows you to : Live, work and study in New Zealand. Include your partner in your visa application. Apply for permanent residence after 4 years of keeping your funds invested in New Zealand. You must meet the entry permission criterion when you arrive. You may be denied entry into the country if your circumstances have changed since you were granted the VISA . Meeting the character requirements is a must also you must allow the authorities to capture your biometri

New Zealand Visitor VISA 

Traveling to New Zealand for leisure is a wise move for those tired nerves. The country is a great vacationing spot. New Zealand Visitor VISA is what you should apply for while planning your next vacation for the country. You would reap good benefits by availing services of an expert immigration adviser like us. For more details visit -

New Zealand Visitor VISA

 Planning to invest in New Zealand. You would need a New Zealand Investor VISA for that. Connect with one of our advisers. We are here to help.  For more details visit -

Immigration Consultants Auckland

1.        New Zealand is the land of the bold. Kiwi people are innovative and jovial and their country is a great place to live and work. So if you feel like making new Zealand your new home then we would suggest you get in touch with an immigration adviser Auckland now. Rest assured it will be the best and the wisest decision of your life. For more details visit -